Monday, September 10, 2007

My Family Rocks!

Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus...He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus. It would be as dreary as if there were no VIRGINIAS. -1897 New York Sun editorial

It is only September. It's still Summer.

And, yet, it feels like Christmas.

That's how my weekend felt.

I skipped practice on Saturday morning to spend time with my family. We went to watch Joe play his first football game, followed by Alaina's soccer game.

The games were so much fun to watch. I think I have a future All-American on my hands in Joseph. And Alaina is a true delight.

She is the only person I know that will cheer for the OPPOSING team.

I can see it now: Alaina becomes the captain of her college's cheerleading squad. The team is on the brink of playing for the National Championship. All they need to do is win their final home game against their arch-rival.

Their arch-rival has the ball with :02 seconds left in the game. It's fourth down. 30 yards to the end zone.
The score: Univeristy State (US) 28 - The Heck with EM (THEM) 24.

The quarterback heaves a pass to the back of the end zone, and the star receiver comes up with the ball. THEM wins.

And what does the camera man catch? On national television? Alaina running to the end zone to give THEM's star receiver a hug for making such a great catch!

Back to this weekend

After the games, we lazed away the afternoon. We went for a bike ride. We tried watching the Michigan game.

Sunday was pretty much a repeat of Saturday.

Church. Lazy afternoon. Family bike ride. Norah rode her own bike over a mile to the ice cream store!

And, it turns out, "reasonable hours" do apply to the weekend. So, I still was able to get away for a run and a swim without any guilt that I missed time with my family.

It really was like Christmas. I saw love, generosity and devotion shared this weekend.

I saw Santa Claus.

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