Thursday, January 15, 2009

Crawl Before You Run

"Running comes last." In every event I've been, that is the one truism.

Oh, sure, there was Steelhead last summer. The event coordinators cancelled the swim and replaced it with a run. Not that I'm complaining (well, maybe a little). With the waves they were that day, it was the right decision.

While the race started with a run, it also ended with a run. I never thought I'd like a bike ride more than I did that day! Did I ever tell you how much I hate running?

In case you missed it: I HATE RUNNING.

But running is part of the event. And it comes last.

Funny how that works in life too. The running comes last.

Before you run, you have to walk. Before you walk, you have to learn to crawl.

So simple. So true. So beautiful. "So what?," you say incredulously. "Why are you waxing poetic?"

I don't blame you. But I hope you'll forgive me. See, Keira started crawling this week. And it is the most precious thing to see. She was grinning from ear to ear as she made her way across the floor to "mama."

Will she crawl to me? Not unless I have a bottle in my hand. But, then again, therein lies another truism (for another day).

As I watched her this week, I remember milestones for the other children: Joe's first steps, Alaina's first plie, Norah's first tackle.

"Wait, I think you got that backward. Isn't Norah a girl?," you ask. Yeah, you're right, Norah is a girl. And a tough one at that. Frankly, I'd love to talk about her first graceful...well...anything.

That said, they are all so beautiful, and graceful, in their own way. And they are growing up so fast. I just hope I remember these days. Especially as I get older, and my "running days" are replaced by "crawling days."

Hmmm...I guess the running doesn't come last, after all.

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