Thursday, August 30, 2007

Humble Pie

How you doin' boy?
You here for 30 days
Get, get, get, get, get your long hair cut
And cut out your ways

30 days in the hole...

Okay. So the next 30 days won't be quite the same as they were for Humble Pie. least I hope not.

But I am beginning to feel the butterflies developing when I look at the calendar.

30 days in the hole...

I am beginning to work through the remaining travel arrangements.

30 days in the hole...

Our coach volunteered to get our heavy gear to DC in his truck.

30 days in the hole...

I've arranged for friends to help with the kids.

30 days in the hole...

Elisha just booked her ticket.

30 days in the hole...

My teammates and I are in our last blast of heavy workouts before we begin to taper.

30 days in the hole...

The TNT staff has given us our bike drop off schedule.

30 days in the hole...

This is it! We're going in to the final month...My hands are shaking as I write this.

Is it excitement? Anticipation? Trepidation? A combination of all?

Maybe its anxiety that I'll forget to do something before then.

Ooops, that reminds me:
Get, get, get, get, get your long hair cut

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